
Vi har 7 tegn med hashtagget

adobe premiere pro

Adobe Premiere Pro er et videoredigeringsprogram, udviklet af Adobe Systems. Bruges i #film, #animation og andre områder


En frame er filmens mindste grundelement. En frame er et enkelt billede på en filmstrimmel eller i en digital optagelse. Der er som regel 24 eller 25 frames i sekundet, når vi ser en film. #animation #film #video

key frame

A key frame in animation and filmmaking is a drawing that defines the starting and ending points of any smooth transition. The drawings are called "frames" because their position in time is measured in frames on a strip of film. A sequence of key frames defines which movement the viewer will see, whereas the position of the key frames on the film, video, or animation defines the timing of the movement. Because only two or three key frames over the span of a second do not create the illusion of movement, the remaining frames are filled with inbetweens. #animation #film


Rendering or image synthesis is the process of generating an image from a 2D or 3D model (or models in what collectively could be called a scene file) by means of computer programs. Also, the results of such a model can be called a rendering. #animation #film #redigering


Is basically cinematograph/setup of a scene.
Composition of frame and movement and making sure the action is clear throughout a scene and guiding the attention. #animation #film


Et storyboard er det billedmateriale, som en instruktør og en storyboarder + evt. en kameramand laver sammen, for at have en visuel repræsentation af hvordan den færdige film skal se ud. Storyboardet beskriver hver ny kameraindstilling, og giver et overblik over hvilke vinkler af de givne rum det er nødvendigt at visualisere og hvilke skuespillere det er nødvendigt at have tilstede samtidigt på sættet. #animation #film #instruktion
